How could I keep track of so many little thingies?
Spending almost as much time looking for a small tool or part as I spend on quilting can be very frustrating!
Some things as so important I just had to have some way of keeping them close at hand. It's frustrating to go looking for some small thing that I need and can't for the life of me find! "But I just had the darn thing!" Sound familiar?
The solution was actually quite simple and only took a couple of pieces of self-stick velcro and two small disposable plastic lunch containers.
The top of my longarm machine is flat and these containers fit perfectly. The one in front holds markers, allen wrenches, tiny screw drivers, snippers, check spring, pack of new needles, and any other tiny thing that is needed often.
The container in back serves as a tiny waste basket for all those short thread tails and other small pieces of rubbish. Having it close at hand saves taking extra steps to reach the large waste basket on the other side of the room or (like I saw one person do) throw all those thread tails on the floor to be swept up later.
This was very easy to install, easy to use, and best of all - really cheap!
Happy Stitching!